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Giving & Stewardship

An integral part of worship is giving back a small portion of what God has entrusted to us. Every Sunday morning, an offering is collected to support the ministries of our church, allowing with the following ministries: 


African Bible University Campus in Kampala, Uganda

MTW and MNA (Mission to the World and Mission to North American of the PCA)

Prison Ministries

Palmer Home for Children

French Camp

Reformed Theological Seminary/Jackson, MS

Other Local Benevolences


If you would like to give a monetary gift in honor or memory of a loved one, send a check with a card indicating the individual you would like to honor/memorialize along with the address(es) to send an acknowledgment to:


Wynndale Presbyterian Church

Attn: Honorarium/Memorial

6600 Terry Road

Terry, MS 39170



6600 Terry Rd.

Terry, MS  39170




Wynndale PCA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) of the Presbyterian Church in America.




© 2023 Wynndale PCA

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